Thrilling news! D.L. (Don) Parks has won the 2010 People's Choice Award/ Best of Show at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum Invitational Show in Canyon, Texas! Way to go Don- such an incredible accomplishment for a first year exhibitor at the Museum!
The Panhandle Plains Museum it is a must see. It happens to be the largest historical museum in Texas and boasts an incredibly diverse and educational collection of fine art, artifacts, and remnants of the past. Canyon itself a lovely college town, situated close to the fabled and picturesque Palo Duro Canyon (another must see!) and was home and inspiration to Georgia O'Keefe years before she moved to New Mexico...
For more information on the PPHM visit the website at http://www.panhandleplains.org/
To view new and available works by D.L. Parks please visit our website at http://www.joewadefineart.com/