Please join Joe Wade Fine Art for the 13th Annual ARTfeast Edible Art Tour Friday, February 26, 5 to 8 pm featuring fabulous food by El Farol and incredible art as always! ARTfeast is a celebratory and charitable event, benefiting the art students, art programs, and art educators in the Santa Fe Public Schools. The Edible Art Tour is one of a series of ticketed only events running all weekend long February 26th to the 28th, so please visit http://www.artfeast.com/for a complete schedule of events and to purchase tickets to the events.
We are proud to announce that Joe Wade Fine Art and Santa Fe artist Ladell are participating in the ARTfeast Artists' Champagne Brunch & Auction. The wonderfully festive image included above will be auctioned Sunday, February 28th at 11:30am at Hotel Santa Fe. Remember to purchase tickets to the event in order to bid on Ladell's painting! We look forward to seeing you! http://www.joewadefineart.com/